The Pfilians is a short sidescrolling platformer made during our unity course in Valla game education. You play as Ilmira a pfilian trying to get home after being taken away from her home during a siege by wasps.
I made a short trailer for the game that you can find here LINK
Here is a whole playthrough of the game LINK
Many years ago I wrote a story about a human going through a portal and ending up in a fantasy world where he meet a small forest folk called pfilians and they go out on an adventure to restore the magic to a sword.
I have always loved the thought of there being small folk in our houses and forests so when we started talking about our unity projects I thought back to the pfilians and wrote them into our world where they take care of our forests and fight wasps.
First I made the 3D model for Ilmira and a blockout for a test area. Once I was happy with the movement I started on the first level. I tried to make it a seamless tutorial level where the player has to try and find what button does what.
The rest of the levels were made so that Ilmira could make her way higher up so she could glide her way back to her village.